Vital Force Herbs hopes to empower you in the process of working towards optimal wellness for yourself. We provide high quality botanical formulas with plants that are certified organic, home grown organic, or respectfully wild crafted.
Check out our product page for details and ordering.
Tap into your vital force; the energy inside you that moves and motivates and inspires you.
Wellness is a lifelong path of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth and vitality.
We believe healing yourself also heals the Earth;
As above, so below, As within, so without.
Integrating sound nutrition, healthy habits, knowledge of your personal energetics, and plant medicine into your everyday life can support your growth and well being;
the next higher octave of you.
Vital Force Herbs provides Wellness Consultations
to support you in this endeavor.
Your vital force + plant medicine= a match made in heaven!
Your body’s innate intelligence to heal and repair itself, the plant's inherent wisdom to communicate with your body and bring it’s medicine where and how it is needed come together in perfect harmony.
Plants are magic, we are capable…Heal yourself!
Vital Force herbs is a small family business in SW Portland. We grow, harvest, and process most of our own herbs on a little spot of Earth under the oak trees at the edge of the city.
We formulate our recipes based on Vitalist traditions and teachings of herbal medicine to support the root of the cause of our imbalances, and fortify our healthy beings on all levels.
Our products are crystal infused, bringing the wisdom of the mineral kingdom and magnification properties to our formulas. Crystals and plants hold deep memories of the ages; keys to human consciousness that can unlock doors of healing, working synergistically within the deepest parts of ourselves.
See more about our practitioner on the Bio page.
Feel free to contact us with any questions, inquiries, to schedule an appointment, or to purchase our products.
Portland Oregon, United States
Copyright © 2025 Vital Force Herbs TM- All Rights Reserved.
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